Monday, December 2, 2019

Final Exam on Tuesday, 12.17.19

Dear Elementary Latinists,

Our final exam on Tuesday, December 17, will have the following format.

(A) Declining nouns and adjectives:
I'll give you English adjective-noun pairs in the singular or plural, you give me the Latin forms in the five major cases. NOTE: Nouns and adjectives will all come from the third declension.
(B) Verbs: Jump drills:
A series of relatively short sequences in which you "jump" (change) one attribute of a verb form at a time, either person, number, tense, mood or voice. NOTE: The drills will heavily (but not exclusively) emphasize the passive voice.
(C) Verbs: Stacks:
I'll give you an English verb and a pronoun, you give me the six active Latin forms from the present indicative through the future perfect indicative.
(D) Passage to translate:
A short passage of connected Latin prose, using vocabulary and grammar through chapter 14. Read it carefully and write out your translation.
(E) Reading out loud (take-home portion, due Saturday, December 21, 11:00 p.m.):
Practice reading the final exam passage out loud: use Shelmerdine's textbook to help you determine vowel/consonant sounds and place accents. When you have perfected your reading, call my campus voice mail and read me the Latin over the phone. 
NOTE: Please prepare for and complete this portion of the exam on your own. I'll supply a copy of the passage for you to practice on and mark up. (No, you do not have to memorize the passage. Yes, you can read from the copy.)

ALSO NOTE: Some generosity has been granted for late readings or peer reviews. But, in keeping with the notion of a final exam, late work will NOT be accepted.
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For this exam, you'll be responsible for all concepts and vocabulary through Shelmerdine Chapter 14.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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